
Insam Honey
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer:  Kumgangsan Special Products Trading Corporation
Contact Address:  Pyongchon-dong No1, Pyongchon district, Pyongyang, DPRKorea
Tel:  850-2-18111(ext.)3818590

  It combines the physiological effects of Kory Insam that is known as a cure-all with the efficacy of honey that is well absorbed as it is a good source of energy.
  The restorative is efficacious for general prostration before and after childbirth, heart diseases, metabolic disorder, failure of memory, insomnia, decline in sexuality, anemia, senility, etc.
  Insam honey is an ideal health food for healthy and infirm persons as well as athletes.
  Take 2-3g of Insam honey and 20-30g of honey twice or thrice daily in an empty stomach.