Established on January 5th, Juche 106(2017)
The Ryongma Science and Technology Exhibition Agency is a organization hosting science and technology related international fair and exhibition in DPR Korea.
The agency successfully organized several exhibitions incl. Pyongyang International Sci-Tech Exhibition of Health and Medical Appliances, Pyongyang International Sci-Tech Exhibition of Furniture and Building Materials, Pyongyang International Exhibition of Health and Sports Sci-Tech in the past, contributing to promotion of friendship and cooperation with other countries and to development of national science and technology.
Participated in the several exhibitions sponsored by the agency, are the hundreds different countries’ company, such as the DPR Korea, China, Chinese Taipei, Bangladesh, Russia, Malaysia, etc. where various events of technical exchange were arranged incl. symposium on technology, technical consulting, intellectual products distribution, sale of show-piece, etc.
The dozens of companies in different countries incl. the DPR Korea have been awarded Exchange Prize at these events and awarded technical prize on hundreds of articles.
The agency will continue to organize the Sci-Tech exhibitions on several themes to further consolidate the friendship, cooperation and unity with other countries, taking good advantage of wide exchange of success and experience through these events, thus contributing to the development of national science and technology.
Address: Rangnang-dong No.1, Rangnang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea