
Wild Honey 500g
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer:  Kumgangsan Special Products Trading Corporation
Contact Address:  Pyongchon-dong No1, Pyongchon district, Pyongyang, DPRKorea
Tel:  850-2-18111(ext.)3818590

  Honey is used for malnutrition, chronic bronchitis and gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, neurasthenia, cardiac weakness, hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, frostbite, burns and skin protection as well.
  Being directly absorbed into the body without the process of digestion and decomposition, honey is not hard on the stomach and liver and pure honey does not cause diabetes.
  Take 10-20g daily as it is or in diluted water, on an empty stomach or before having sauna. It can also be applied to the skin.