Samhyang Uhwangchongshimhwan
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer: Korea Jangsu Trading Corporation
Contact Address: Kyoku-Dong, Central Dist., Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 850-2-18111(EXP)341-8834
Composition: Powdered yam, Koryo Insam, beach pea sprout, liquorice, ox’s or buffalo’s horn, dry ginger, gelatin, Solomon’s seal, golden, broad bellflower, borneol, apricot stone, angelica, Umbelliferae, artificial uhwang or bile, jujube flesh, Bupleurum scorzoneraefolium extract, honey
Indications: It is used as the medicine for fever, detoxication, heart stimulant, coma, aphasia, tetraplegia. It is also good for children’s convulsion and high fever.
Dosage: 1 tablet once, 2~3 times a day with warm water.
Dosage of children: 1/2~3/4 tablet for over 7-year-olds, 1/2 tablet for 5~6 year-olds, 1/4 tablet for the 3~4 year-olds, 1/6 tablet for the 2-year-olds.
Package: 3.75g×10 tablets/box